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Becoming a Member of Trinity

We are glad that you are interested in being a member of our faith community. Although membership is not necessary to participate in the life of the congregation, including worship, communion, children’s ministry, and other activities, it is a wonderful way to feel more connected to and invested in the life of the church here at Trinity.


Our membership process meets you wherever you are on your faith journey, connects you with the community of Trinity, and helps you find ways to live faithfully and change lives in our community. Simply follow these steps toward church membership at Trinity.

Step 1: Learn about Trinity

  • Participate in worship, either onsite or online

  • Visit with people you know who are members

  • Explore the Trinity website for the many ways you can connect with others


Step 2: Learn about what it means to be a member

  • Visit with a church council member or any congregational member

  • Visit with the pastor or a staff member

  • Learn more about the details of participating in the life of the congregation through worship, learning, serving, giving, and inviting


Step 3: Fill out a form and become a member


Complete a Membership Form either online or by downloading a printed copy below. Once we receive your completed form, we will contact you about welcoming you "officially" into the congregation!​

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